Tightening of Animal Welfare Rules Has Been Passed in Parliament


In the future, animal poisoning will be more severely punished, breeders without a license will be punished more severely, and participation in animal fights will be a criminal offense after Parliament passed an amendment to some of the criminal laws proposed by Fidesz to protect animals.


The proposal was adopted unanimously by 168 votes in favor. Compared to the current regulation of the Penal Code, the legislation expands the qualified cases of nature damage, animal torture and the organization of illegal animal fighting.

In the future, stricter measures may be taken against, among other things, special setbacks, for-profit breeding establishments and those who have previously been banned from keeping animals. From now on, the preparation for the placement of poison or bait will also be punished. The range of classified cases of animal torture has been expanded to cover the fight or animal torture within the two years following the public torture, animal torture during the ban on animal husbandry, and animal torture.

A higher penalty of one to five years’ imprisonment may be imposed for the use of poison or placing baits suitable for killing several animals. Breeding without a license has become a qualified case of animal torture, which is also punishable by one to five years in prison.

In addition to the organizers of the animal fights, the participants will now be sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for the offense.

Most of the provisions of the law will enter into force on 1 January.

The proposal, which was prepared in the light of the results of the animal welfare consultation, will be noted by, among others, Máté Kocsis, leader of the Fidesz faction, and Péter Ovádi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the renewal and implementation of the National Animal Welfare Program.




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